Saturday, February 21, 2009

Vida Organica


I came across these at Whole Foods when I was waiting my turn at the meat counter. They had a Malbec, Malbec Rose, and a (white) Torrentes. I bought two bottles of each to get the six-bottle discount, and WF also has them on sale for $2 off apiece. It isn't prominently displayed on the bottle, but these are all from the 2008 harvest.

We opened the Torrentes last night. Crisp, refreshing, clean, not at all like anything coming out of a California Chardonnay. What a nice surprise, and what a bargain for a wine made from organic grapes!

The Malbec rose come out this afternoon. Also a winner. Soft, fruity, buttery nose with a smooth finish. A very different experience than the inexpensive French and Spanish roses.

I wouldn't want to lose any of these in the cellar, but I think I'll pick up a half dozen of each to drink between now and late 2009.

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